Shelf Reliance - Specials, Sales, Promotions, and Discounts: February Specials for Lovers of Vegetables and Refreshing Fruit

Saturday, February 2, 2013

February Specials for Lovers of Vegetables and Refreshing Fruit

Want to impress your loved ones this February?  It's NOT all about chocolate - although I would never refuse a warm fudgie brownie or double chocolate ice cream!  Valentine's is also about that romantic, delicious, and healthy meal that whose preparation was so simple that you had time to put a special note in a card, choose beautiful music and light a few scented candlles.  Shelf Reliance can certainly help you put together that quick, healthy, and impressive meal with many THRIVE ingredients found in this month's specials.

Here are a couple of ideas -
How about a Pasta Florentine using zucchini and red bell peppers sold this month at a discounted price.  The heat of flavorful Chicken Fajitas featuring THRIVE's seasoned chicken slices and red bell peppers gets balanced out nicely with the melon berry burst drink.  Include a delightful side made with instant white rice, cilantro, lime juice, sweet mangoes and other favorite ingredients.

This month's specials also offers a sadly overlooked component of one's home food store - butter powder!  Ever started making something to discover that someone finished off the butter?  Solution - butter powder.  Ever wanted to make a great, creamy sauce of a smooth, homemade pudding in a limited amount of time?  Solution - a basic, pre-made mix containing butter powder, non-fat powdered milk, and cornstarch.  Email me for the recipes :-)

Don't forget that Shelf Reliance is about more than just food.  Check out the fantastic bucket shelf, saguaro tent and, one of my favorites, the solar crank lantern!

Contact me to take advantage of these great prices!

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